


1. 提单询证函样本:

Dear Sirs,

We have received the Shipping Advice No. 123456 issued by M/S ABC Co. Ltd., advising the shipment of 5000 units of goods under Bill of Lading No. 789012. As the consignee, we wish to confirm the details of this shipment. Kindly confirm if the goods have been shipped and provide us with the necessary shipping documents for customs clearance.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

2. 运抵通知函样本:

Dear Import Department,

We are pleased to inform you that shipment under Bill of Lading No. 789012 has arrived at the Port of Destination on [Date]. The goods are currently undergoing customs clearance procedures and are expected to be ready for delivery by [Date]. Please advise on the delivery instructions and any special requirements.

Looking forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]


1. 结构清晰:货运函电应包括标题、称呼、正文、结束语和签名,结构要清晰,内容要简洁明了。

2. 用语准确:使用行业术语和专业名词,避免使用模糊不清或有歧义的词语,确保信息传达准确。

3. 注意格式:遵循国际商务信函的格式,保持正式、规范的写作风格,提升专业形象。

4. 及时回复:对于重要的货运信息,要及时回复,避免耽误交货时间,保持与合作伙伴的良好沟通。
